SeaPen is the only dry-docking solution that keeps your boat free from barnacles without lifting it out of the water.
● Dry dock at water level
● Easier to park your boat
● Never antifoul again
● Save on boat maintenance
● Better performance
● Better resale value

Glide in, Glide out
With a touch of a single button, the SeaPen rear gate drops open to let your ship off and onto the water. To dock, simply drive into the SeaPen, activate the gate and the pump will automatically take care of the rest.
Go ahead, step on it
Yes, you can step on it without a problem. The SeaPen is built sturdy and strong. The high-density polyethylene frame material allows for 360-degree walkable access. An aluminium walkway is also available as an accessory.

Yes, it is really dry
The combination of quality marine-grade materials and breakthrough technology to maximize airflow, allow water to be easily pumped away from your boat, leaving your hull dry in no time.

Go where traditional lifts can’t
You can take it with you, install it anywhere, and keep your scenic view. The many benefits and the adaptability SeaPen offers have marinas and apartment associations moving to it as the perfect alternative to the traditional lifts.